Booking Form
A confirmation email will be sent to the camp organiser after the booking form is received.
Before completing this form email the camp school office and make sure the camp school is available for the required dates. Tentative bookings can be made for those dates and then this booking form is to be completed to confirm the booking.
Conditions for Booking
(Download PDF, 120KB)
All schools will now require two contact people on the camp school booking form and two email addresses.
One to be the staff member/supervisor responsible for the camp and the other an Administration Officer.
Both parties listed on the booking form will now receive all correspondence related to the camp.
It is a requirement that all persons using / hiring the facility have a current WWCC/Police Clearance when supervising students up to the age of 18.
Please enter YES in Police Clearance box to confirm that all adults attending the Camp Site have a current Police Clearance.